Stop The Highway

This subpage focuses on the Circumferential Highway (aka Hudson Boulevard) and provides informational documents, updates, and summaries of reports. H.A.R.D. opposes the highway because of its disastrous consequences to the environment, it has a likelihood to increase rate of development in Hudson, and will not likely realize its intended goal (to reduce vehicle congestion). H.A.R.D. believes building a highway will take away economic prosperity from Lowell Road and local business owners. Instead, the highway has potential to welcome more traffic by creating a cut through to be used by out of town drivers who wish to bypass through Hudson to Rt 111. In the end, we believe this highway will have more negative consequences than benefits, so we are asking town officials to research, analyze and pursue better solutions for Hudson.

I also know the idea of a 2 lane road is a ruse to allow the town to convince the taxpayers the road will not be too expensive. It is well known, even well known by the select board, a 2 lane road will be a failure the day it opens as one selectman had stated when attempting to get my support ” that’s the beauty of our plan. The town will be forced to build the other 2 lanes ” 

Robert Clegg Jr. – Former NH state Senator

Project Overview and Recommendations Moving Forward

The Resident’s Guide is a document that helps Residents who are less familiar with the details and timeline of the Circumferential Highway Project life span. Comprehensive research was conducted to compile this guide, culling through hundreds of pages of legal documents, federal and state reports, as well as media coverage.

Older References and Support Information

Hudson NH Conservation Commission Memo – Environmental Issues regarding the conceptual Circumferential Highway (2014)

Final Environmental Impact Statement – DEIS Comments and Responses 1993

Federal Register Volume 59, Number 206 – Wed Oct 26th 1994

New Hampshire wildlife habitat land cover 2015 map

Highest ranked wildlife habitat by ecological condition (2015)

Conservation Focus Areas